10 Ways to Use Essential Oils

Hundreds of essential oils, hundreds of uses! Before you dive in to aromatherapy, make sure you’re using the highest quality. All of our essential oils come with gas chromography testing to ensure you are getting the purest oils with the correct chemical compounds.

Essential oil shelf

Here’s 10 ways you may not have heard of to use essential oils in your daily life!

Carpet Freshener

Mix 1 teaspoon essential oil of choice with 1/2 cup each of cornstarch and baking soda. Mix well and set aside for 30 minutes. Sprinkle onto carpet and allow to rest for additional 30 minutes. Vacuum up! We recommend Cedarwood or Lavender for households with pets.

Household Cleaner

Add 5-10 drops essential oil to each quart of water with 1/4 cup white vinegar. Use to clean floors, counters, bathrooms, etc. We recommend Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Peppermint or Lavender for disinfecting.


Add 6-8 drops to humidifiers and 5 drops to de-humidifier buckets

Pet Grooming

Add 2-5 drops of Lavender, Tea Tree or Peppermint to your pup’s next bat. Mist their brush/comb with a concoction of 15 drops Lavender and 4 oz of Water.

Light Bulbs

Put several drops of Citronella on a cool outdoor light before turning on to repel insects. Do not get oil on socket!

Wood Fires

Indoor or outdoor fires add 1 drop of essential oil to each log 1/2 hour before lighting. Bonus points if you add Citronella to your bonfire to repel mosquitos!

Shelf Liners

Add 5-10 drops to a cotton pad or ball and set in the corner of your linen closet, pantry, or bathroom closet for fresh towels and sheets. We recommend Rose Geranium or Lemon


Light your candle, wait for wax to begin melting. Add 2-3 drops to melting wax. Be careful not to drop into flame as many essential oils are flammable. Works best on unscented beeswax.

Car Diffuser

Don’t want to splurge on a portable diffuser? Simply take a cotton ball or tissue, add 5-10 drops off essential oil like Sweet Orange or Lemongrass and tuck into one of your air vents. Whether air or heat it will blow the essential oil throughout your car.

Scenting Books

Many studies have shown that some essential oils help with memory like Rosemary and Peppermint. Why not add a couple drops to the corner of a classbook while you’re working to help your brain re-capture those memories later. Keep a tissue with the same essential oil in your bag during tests for anxiety and stress.

Information by Victoria Abernathy

Victoria is a certified aromatherapist and master herbalist of 25 years. None of these statements have been approved by the FDA* and we are not doctors nor do we claim to cure, diagnose or heal any disease.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us via the website forms, Instagram, or Facebook

  • The FDA doesn’t want to approve the use of a lot of natural products due to their inability to be patented and make money, but that’s none of our business.. *