Winter Blues

Usually after Christmas until Spring we have a lovely restful time to recharge, rebalance and begin our attacks on our plans for this year. It feels like we are moving in warped speed and spring will be here soon! We have been working hard on updating the shop, getting new products on the shelf and restocking your favorites.

We are now beginning to stock more ingredients for you to concoct your own creations or use on their own! Things like clays and floral waters are in almost every skincare product you use but why don’t you just try them on their own? We all know Rose Water had it’s trendy moment a few years back but have you tried Sandalwood water? So soothing and refreshing. You can also mix one of these hydrosols(fancy word for water distilled with said herb) with some of our dry clays available! We use these clays in all of our masks we create here and love them. Seriously, the simplest things are the best for your skin.

Dry clays

We are also in the process of building our apothecary(!!!) and it’s going to be a beautiful area to house all of our herbs available. I’ll also be updating the website so they will be available for purchase online too. We are doing our best but wow, we have so many herbs!

facial steams

Winter Blahs Tea Recipe:

This simple herbal tea is excellent for winter sadness, anxiousness or restlessness. Sip before bed and add some honey for a touch of sweetness and BONUS: honey is full of antioxidants.

1 teaspoon Lemonbalm/Lemongrass

1 teaspoon Peppermint

1 teaspoon Chamomile

mix together either in a bowl or mortar and pestle.

Boil water, add herbs directly and strain or use a tea infuser. Steep for 3-5 mins.

Lemon Balm is an excellent herb for anxiety, stress and insomnia. Lemongrass is also a suitable substitute. Peppermint helps tummy issues by improving the flow of bile(gross, yes..helpful, yes.) Chamomile is excellent for sleep and also has some amazing skin benefits! You'll wake up glowing and rested.

Coming to see us?


We are currently open Saturdays 11-4. We have so much going on in our home life that is taking priority right now. We are sorry we can’t be here more during the winter but hopefully as spring breaks we will be open during the week. Our website is open 24/7 though and you can order anything we have in store. If you’re looking for something that’s not listed, just email us :)


Our partner Trip will also be doing live shows from the shop through the winter focusing on crystals but also other goodies we have here. Follow his page here: @Tripvizion. We ship priority on larger crystal orders. He has pieces of all sizes in the shop ranging from gem jars to Amethyst cathedrals. Keep an eye out!

As always, thank you for being with us on this journey of life and the chaos that has been the past year! We wish all of you health, happiness and enjoyment! Life is short and sweet, so take a moment to savor the little things.

- Wind and Fire Crew