Crystals 101: Getting to Know Stones

Brazilian Green Serpentine

One of the biggest topics at the shop is usually stones. Whether you’ve got a crazy collection at home or just appreciate their beauty - there’s a lot to cover.

How do you use these things? What do they all mean? What do they do? Even typing that all out was overwhelming. After watching/guiding people through the stone shopping process over the last four years, I’ve got a pretty good system and wanted to share some thoughts.

Whether you’re a seasoned crystal hunter or picking out your first few tumbles my biggest suggestion is always: Don’t overthink it.

We do so much of that already with just about everything. Just look at all the pretty things and see which ones are your favorite. It’s personal and it’s about perception. Your eyes will be caught by things that are beautiful to you. Things that catch my eye may not catch yours and vice versa. And there’s no wrong answers.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”

Meanings and properties

There’s lots of buzz words when it comes to crystals and their properties. You can spend a lot of time reading about one stone and see 15 different things it’s said to do. While I think there are some baseline properties to each stone, do your best to push aside the dumb stuff and really think about what resonates with you.

A major thing that helps us connect with stones is learning about where they’re from and what past groups of people used them for. What was instinctual to them before they had books or the internet to search?

Lastly and my favorite way of learning their properties: Just hang out with them. They all have attitudes. Some of them just look calming, some of them look more aggressive. You build a relationship with and can start to assign certain thoughts, feelings or focuses on them.

Carnelian Mini Spheres

What resonates with you?

Again, realizing that there is no right or wrong in this realm gives you total freedom for self exploration of your habits and what things you might want to improve within yourself.

Some folks enjoy the chakra system and working with stones that coordinate with the area or issue you’d like to focus on. Some like to just pick a stone that attracts them and research later. A lot of time they picked out exactly what they needed without meaning to. You can create on your own system or use guidelines that are already out there but make sure you like it.

Watching someone pick up a stone and connect with it physically is always exciting. I’ve had many people tell me that their hands feel warm or there’s a buzzing sensation when holding certain stones. Sometimes just goosebumps all over. There’s so many tiny occurrences and magical moments.

Grape Agate Sphere

What is the purpose of all this? How will this help me?

People who find crystals useful do not wake up in the morning expecting a stone to solve their problems. They are used as tools for what’s already inside you. We find ways to navigate our emotions, manage stressors and release trauma without self destruction.

It’s also impossible to ignore the connection you build with the earth. Holding something that grew over thousands of years and the humbling thought that it will continue to grow for thousands of years after we’re gone.

And finally, it’s about coming to the realization that we already have the power inside to create the life we want and figuring out what that looks like.


Shop online or come see our shop in Shipshewana, Indiana.

Thank you for reading and enjoy your day!