August Folklore

By now, you should feel summer is in full swing. We’ve had plenty of excessively hot days and ice cream at the ready. If you planted veggies, you’re starting to see some of the benefits if the bunnies haven’t found them first! We have little peppers, tomatoes and picked our first zucchini. Plants are still growing but it’s now time for planting fall crops like wheat, and root crops. Enjoy the waters now warmed by the sun and literal fruits of your garden labors!

Herbs for this month include: Chamomile, Daffodil, Mint, Cowslip

At the shop, we’ve been busy making soap and our herbal massage oil has been flying off the shelves. We’ve added it to the website for those of you who love it but don’t live close by.

Fresh batch of Ylang Ylang(pronounced ee-long ee-long) Shea Whip is on the shelves. Ylang Ylang is a wonderful tropical tree growing over 60 feet high. The essential oil distilled from the yellow flowers is delicate, feminine, and precious. Diffusing or smelling will ease anger, insomnia and can be euphoric.

More tarot cards on the way! Any styles, artists or themes you’re looking for in your oracle or tarot cards? Let us know, we are trying to pick decks that we like but also as much variety as possible.

A new shipment of tumbles & bracelets has hit the table and slowing hand-polishing some Fluorite to share soon too. You can always check our Instagram and Facebook to see pieces as they hit the shop.


Heat aside, August is a wonderful month to celebrate a birthday. Zodiacs for this month include both Leo & Virgo. Whether you’re into astrology or not, fire and earth perfectly describe this month’s energy - grounding and warm.

Leo the Lion(July 23- August 22)

Element: Fire

Ruling Planet: Sun, Ruling House: Fifth

Color: Red, Gold

Gems: Peridot, Carnelian, Red Jaspers

Virgo the Maid(August 23-September 22)

Element: Earth

Ruling Planet: Mercury, Ruling House: Sixth

Color: Blue, bright yellow

Gems: Sapphire, Amazonite, Lapis, Moonstone


August is the 6th month in the Roman calendar and honored Augustus Caesar. The word august is used to describe someone worthy of admiration or is majestic. It relates to augury, the act of fortune telling or divination.

· In Chinese culture the Pear blossom is the symbol for August, it means purity and longevity, a cooling fruit to be used for “hot” diseases(think fevers, infections).

· Opium Poppy is also symbolic of August. Signifying eternal sleep and oblivion, it is dedicated to night deities like Metztli(Aztec moon, night and farmers) and Khonsu(Egyptian god of the moon).

In English culture the Heliotrope is the symbol of August. Heliotrope is a group of plants that turn towards the sun. It is said Apollo was attracted to a water nymph, Clytie. As he grew tired of her he left and she languished for nine days and nights watching the skies for his chariot. Other gods took pity on Clytie and turned her into the Heliotrope, as she follows the sun through the sky. Heliotrope in flower meaning is devotion and faithfulness.

Remedies for summer and beyond

Sore muscles and pains from activities can be aided by yoga, massage and gentle stretches. A nice massage oil is a mixture of the essential oils of Ginger, Juniper, Rosemary or Lavender. Lavender is more soothing, Rosemary more invigorating.

In the bath, the oil of Chamomile, Lavender, juniper, Eucalyptus or Rosemary may be beneficial, a rubefacient essential oil of Black Pepper is a nice addition to a back massage oil.

Fresh Sea Mister

Add to 4 oz distilled water:

8 drops Cypress

7 drops Lemon

3 drops Sandalwood

Mix together in spray bottle and shake well.

Tick repellant

To 4 oz water in a spray bottle add:

2 drops eucalyptus

20 drops Lemongrass

Shake well and spray on pant cuffs, sleeves, etc.

Infusing a couple of handfuls of Calendula flowers in a quart of fixed oil such as Sweet Almond, Sunflower or Olive for 24 hours, decanting and poured into a jar is a simple way to make Calendula oil. This can be used for skin care, massage or bath oil.

For sunburn a mix of Comfrey gel, Aloe Vera gel and Vitamin E oil helps. Also soaking in a tepid bath using the herbs of Comfrey, Marshmallow root with baking soda or oatmeal added to the water will help.

New Stones

Other goodies: Clear Quartz points, Shunghite, more heart carvings in different minerals like Lepidolite & Dalmation Jasper. The next couple weeks will be spent creating some new jewelry and catching up on projects.

On the shop floor now:

Spheres & Larger pieces

Ocean Jasper(left): geometric cuts. Ocean Jasper comes in a rainbow of colors and includes an orbicular patterns formed within the swirls. Calming, peaceful and encourages positivity through difficult times.

Fluorite spheres: High quality, juicy blue & purple, full of chevron layers - 2” and up. If you love fluorite as much as us, you’ll also enjoy some rainbow towers and freeforms too(pictured below).

Pictured below are small bowls and carvings of Honey Calcite, Green Onyx, Aventurine, Blue Caribbean Calcite, & Dream Amethyst

Honey Calcite, Green Onyx, Aventurine, Blue Calcite and Amethyst carvings


Tuesday thru Saturday

11:00am to 4:00pm

A big thank you to everyone taking the time to visit us, read this and support us in what we do!

As always, we are grateful everyday to be able to do what we love.

Vic + Steph

Come say hi!