A basic guide - smudging with sage

Smudging and Sage

Some people make fun of those who smudge, some people are curious. Truly, there’s nothing more refreshing than opening your windows and smudging your home after company leaves, a long week at work or just when you feel your vibes are low.

Smudging one of many ways to release and move negative energy out of a place or space by burning an herb or other plant. Sage, Cedarwood, Rosemary and Palo Santo are common.

white sage smudge stick
incense and sage

Many cultures are known to Sage, smudge or burn other herbs for there spiritual properties and religious ceremonies. While the cultural side is telling us that this practice pushes out negative spirits and energy, science is telling us that Sage smoke actually purifies the air as well by killing bacteria and odors.

Some herbs and their properties for smudging:

Sage - negative energy and influences

Rosemary - brings positivity, removes negativity

Cedar - protection and grounding

Bay Leaves - prosperity and success

Myrrh -Enlightenment and healing

Palo Santo - aka “holy wood”, deep spiritual cleansing and healing

Abalone Shell - used to hold burning sage as the original fire proof bowl

abalone shells

Now that you’ve got your sage and/or chosen smudging herb it’s time to lay out some basics of smudge a space or place…

  1. Open as many windows and doors as you can. This gives negative energy and spirits a direction to go..away!

  2. Gather your supplies: an abalone shell or heatproof dish, matches/lighter, sage or herb of choice.

  3. Begin in the furthest, lowest(basement or backroom) back corner of your home and light sage. Allow to flame for a few moments and blow out so there’s some embers left to smolder.

  4. Move around the room hitting each corner with smoke and focusing your intentions on bringing in positive energy and releasing negative.

  5. Head clockwise room to room around your space including closets and move upwards.

  6. After clearing each room your space will be clear and the air will feel lighter. The scent of sage will linger in the air for a couple of hours.

    You can do this daily, weekly, monthly, whenever people come over..pretty much whenever you have the intention to clear the space and bring in positivity and light.

Regardless of what you read, we always encourage people to follow their guts and trust themselves. If you feel like something you’re doing isn’t right, simply don’t do it anymore. Everyone and every space is different and life is a learning experience to figuring out what works for us.